What You Focus on Grows - Expecting What You Get
Have you ever noticed how often we get what we expect to get? Another way of saying that is what we focus on grows. What we expect to happen, is what we end up noticing or what happens.
What we focus on grows.
If you look for negative things, that’s usually what you’ll see most of.
Or expect a negative outcome, that’s more likely to happen.
If you look for positive things, that’s usually what you’ll see most of.
Or expect a positive outcome, that’s more likely to happen.
Of course, not always, that’s not what I’m saying. But have you ever noticed that when you are in a good mood, you find more things to feel good about? And when you are in a bad mood, you can sure find lots more that’s bad, and to complain about. It’s like those things multiply.
But what if you just expected that things were working out for you?
Even if it doesn’t look like it right now. What would that hurt?
Because, here’s the thing too – if you expect it and believe it, you are going to see more opportunities, and do more of the things that you would do if you expect they will have a positive impact.
But if you don’t expect it and believe it, you are probably not going to do those things. If you think why bother? And give up more easily.
What you focus on grows.
So which are you going to choose? Choose rainbows instead of storms. Expect more good things and see what happens.